9 Essential Tips To Take Care of Indoor Plants For Beginners


Indoor plants have taken the design world by storm, and it's no surprise why. These natural beauties provide many benefits, from purifying the air to boosting our mood and productivity. However, many people tend to overlook the necessary steps to provide their indoor plants with proper care. In this blog, we’ll share 9 essential tips on taking care of indoor plants for beginners.

1. Choose beginner-friendly plants

When it comes to indoor plants, choosing the right varieties can make a big difference in their overall health and maintenance requirements. It's best to start with low-maintenance plants for beginners that can thrive indoors with minimal care. Snake plants and golden pothos are two such plants that are easy to care for, and perfect for those new to indoor plants.



2. Understand lighting needs

Different indoor plant species have varying light requirements, and it's important to know what your plants need to thrive. Some indoor plants, like snake plants and spider plants can tolerate low light conditions, while others, such as fiddle leaf figs and rubber plants, require bright, indirect sunlight.


3. Watering techniques for indoor plants

You have no idea how essential proper watering might be. We used to overwater our plants for a week, then it wilted due to root rot. Overwatering and underwatering are two of the most common issues that can lead to plant death, so finding the right balance is crucial. 

As a general rule of thumb, most indoor plants prefer to be watered when the top inch of soil is dry. Don’t forget to research and understand the specific water requirements of your indoor plants. Factors such as the pot size, soil type, and humidity levels in your home can also affect watering needs. 



4. Consider humidity and temperature levels 

We get a lot of advice on keeping our home's temperature and humidity levels within the range your plants need. Some indoor plants, such as ferns and orchids, thrive in higher humidity levels and may benefit from being placed in a bathroom or near a humidifier. However, it's important to avoid placing plants in areas with extreme temperature or humidity changes, such as near vents or windows.



5. Fertilizing indoor plants for beginners

Fertilizing is an essential part of indoor plant care for beginners, providing the necessary nutrients to help plants grow healthy and strong. Most indoor plants benefit from fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer) and less frequently during the dormant season (fall and winter).


Image Source: Pexels


6. Pruning and maintenance

Regular pruning can help promote healthy growth, prevent disease, and improve the overall appearance of your indoor plants. By removing dead or yellowing leaves, you can redirect the plant's energy toward new growth and prevent the spread of disease. Trimming back overgrown branches can also help control the plant's size and shape, making it more aesthetically pleasing.


Image Source: Pexels


7. Dealing with common pests and diseases

Indoor plants can be susceptible to pests and diseases, which can quickly spread and cause damage. Some common pests include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Keep an eye out for any signs of infestation, like yellowing leaves or sticky residue on the plant.


Image Source: Pexels 


8. Rotating and repositioning plants

If you notice your plant growing unevenly, it’s time to rotate or change the position of the plant to avoid a lack of sunlight to grow. Consider moving your plant from a humid environment or dark space to near the window. This will help ensure that all plant parts receive adequate light and encourage even growth.



9. Monitoring and adjusting care routine

Each indoor plant has specific care requirements, so monitoring and adjusting your care routine is important. Consider factors like the amount of water, sunlight, and humidity your plant needs. Be mindful of any changes in the plant's appearance or growth, which could indicate that it needs more or less of a certain element.

By following these essential tips for caring for indoor plants, you can design your thriving indoor plant home. And if you're looking for a sustainable and eco-friendly way to display your indoor plants, check out our plant baskets - a perfect addition to any home.