How To Apply Three Key Elements To Create A Mindful Home


Creating a mindful home is all about finding a space that reflects who we are and allows us to enjoy the present moment. There are countless ways to design a mindful home, and our top tip is to create a more thoughtful interior by incorporating mindful decor, handicraft items, and plants.

There is a strong connection between mindful design, handmade decor, and plant home, as they all work together to create a space that promotes relaxation. While mindful decor emphasizes creating a peaceful environment, handicraft decor evokes a sense of connection to our inner self, tradition, and core values. Similarly, plants in your home design can add a natural touch and remind you to slow down and appreciate the small things in life.

This blog will explore 3 crucial elements: mindful decor, handicrafts, and plants for a sustainably mindful home.


1. Mindfulness and what to know:

Before delving into the three key elements, it's essential to have a holistic understanding of mindfulness. By grasping the bigger picture, you'll be better equipped to appreciate the significance of each component and understand how they work together to create a mindful home.

Is mindfulness a trend?

Mindfulness has become increasingly popular due to the growing awareness of its benefits. It is a practice that involves being present at the moment and paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. 

Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. When you practice it, you become more aware of your thoughts and physical sensations, which can help you identify and manage stress triggers. Additionally, mental health professionals have widely adopted mindful activities as a tool to help individuals cope with mental health. 


Another benefit of mindfulness is that it can improve your focus and concentration. This activity can be helpful in today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with information and stimuli.

Communicating with others has been easier since we practiced self-awareness often. We find ourselves more aware of our thoughts and emotions, which can help us communicate more clearly and more empathetic with others. Therefore, mindfulness has a greater sense of compassion and kindness towards yourself and others, leading to more positive and fulfilling relationships.


Mindfulness and how to start

Mindfulness can’t be established overnight, it’s a series of minor things brought together. It can be started as simply as waking up with a purpose. Before rushing to check your phone for emails and notifications, take time to think of and set an intention for the day. For example, “Today, I will be kind to myself”. Throughout the day, check in with yourself. Pause, take a breath, and revisit your intention. 

Similarly, eating is one of the most pleasurable experiences we engage in, and doing it mindfully can turn eating into a far richer experience, satisfying not just the demand for nutrition, but more subtle senses and needs. Try practicing mindful eating by taking time to listen to your body about what you truly love to eat and enjoy the flavors and textures of the food. 



Tips for cultivating a mindful lifestyle at home

Maintaining a simple mindful living at home can be achieved through small changes to one's daily routine. It can start with setting aside a few minutes daily to practice mindfulness. This can be done through meditation, mindful breathing, or other mindful activities such as yoga.


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To cultivate mindfulness at home is by minimizing distractions. You can turn off electronic devices and create a quiet space for yourself. Taking breaks throughout the day is also important to recharge and refocus. 


2. Mindful decor for your home 

Setting a foundation for a mindful home

Decluttering and creating space for tranquility is the first step in creating a mindful foundation for your home. Clutter can create a sense of chaos and stress, making it difficult to relax and unwind. Start by decluttering your home and removing items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Consider implementing storage solutions like shelves, baskets, and cabinets to keep your space organized and tidy.


Incorporating nature-inspired elements into your home decor can also contribute to a mindful foundation. Nature has a calming and soothing effect on our minds and bodies, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.


Choosing furniture and accessories intentionally

Mindfulness involves a conscious and intentional approach to living. And sustainability is one of the crucial factors that build up mindfulness. 

Therefore, using sustainable materials such as wood, bamboo, or rattan is necessary when adding mindful accessories to space.  These materials are not only eco-friendly, but they also add a touch of warmth and natural beauty to your living space

Another way to choose furniture and accessories mindfully is to opt for functional and versatile pieces in your home design. Functional pieces are those that serve specific purposes and are designed for everyday use. For example, wicker baskets can be served as storage and decoration in your home.



Creating your personalized spaces mindfully

Personalized spaces refer to living spaces that are tailored to your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. It can be your bedroom, bathroom, or workspace.

Creating a mindful bedroom for a restful sleep is crucial for promoting better sleep and overall well-being. Consider using soft, muted colors, natural materials, and cozy textures to create a relaxing and soothing environment. 

Mindful decor in the bathroom can promote relaxation and self-care rituals. Create a space for mindful self-care rituals, like a meditation corner or a bathtub tray for relaxing soaks. For example, using a natural wood bath mat, or soft towels can create a more mindful and relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom.

Finally, mindful decor in the workspace can improve focus and productivity. Consider creating a workspace that is organized, clutter-free, and promotes concentration. Use natural light and incorporate plants to create a more inviting and energizing atmosphere.



3. Handicraft home decor

Like mindful decor, handicraft decor has a good impact on creating a space that fosters mindfulness. It’s considered a niche interest when it comes to decoration.

The correlation between handicraft decor and mindfulness

Handicraft decor is a beautiful and unique way to decorate your home while promoting mindfulness. Including handcrafted ornaments in your house allows you to practice mindfulness through concentration and attention to detail. 


Besides, this will help you to showcase your creativity and personality, fostering a feeling of genuineness. This also is influenced by traditional cultural customs and methods, which can help you connect with your cultural roots and personal identity.

At Artera Home, we always try to tell the Vietnamese tradition and culture behind each handicraft item. It’s an honor and pleasure for us to bring the heritage of Vietnam to the customer and make it ever-lasting. 



How handicraft decor fosters mindfulness in your home

A home packed with cutting-edge technology devices or human-touch items, such as handwoven wall decor, which do you feel connected with? Our friends opted for the latter, citing the warmth and closer feeling it brings. Beyond their functional purpose, handicraft decor can infuse a distinctive living space since each has a unique story about the rich tradition and culture behind it.


The perks of handicraft decor don’t come from decoration but also from creating accessories with your hands and displaying them in your home. Making home decor is a great way to slow down and be present at the moment while adding a personal touch to your living space. Besides, when you surround yourself with handmade decor, you'll develop a greater appreciation for the beauty of everyday life. Additionally, doing it with your family is a great way to strengthen your relationships.



How to add handicraft decor to your home 

For some, incorporating a bright color of handmade items into space is the way to go, while others prefer to keep it natural with sustainable materials to create. Check out our tips below for designing a mindful home.

Tip #1: No one wants to choose a decor that looks unmatched and overwhelmed with other interiors. You need to look at the overall aesthetic of your living space and choose pieces that complement your existing decor.

Tip #2: Regarding decorative items, natural materials are not just a nice-to-have, they're essential for a mindful home. Opt for sustainable sources like wood or rattan to add visual appeal and an eco-friendly touch.

Tip #3: Less is often more when it comes to handcrafted decor. Don't clutter up your space with too many items. Choose a few statement pieces that really stand out. 



4. Mindful plant home

Practical tips to decorate a mindful home with plants

Plants can be a beautiful and effective way to decorate a mindful plant home while promoting mindfulness and wellness. To furnish a home with plants, start by choosing plants that are easy to care for and thrive in your specific environment. 

Consider the amount of natural light and humidity in your home and the temperature and air quality. This will help you choose plants that are well-suited to your space and thrive in a mindful home environment.


Then, use plant stands or hanging planters to create a striking visual display. Additionally, apply to group various plants to create a mini indoor garden or plants to create a natural barrier or room divider.


Maintaining a plant-mindful home

Maintaining a plant-mindful home requires sustainable practices to ensure plants thrive while reducing environmental impact. One critical approach is to choose the right plants based on your room size and maintenance requirements.

It's vital to water and feed them according to their specific needs. Besides, providing enough light and temperature is crucial, as different plants have different light and temperature requirements. 


Don’t forget to choose sustainable planters and pots. Look for planters made from eco-friendly materials such as bamboo or recycled plastic. Additionally, think about utilizing compost or natural fertilizers to nourish your plants and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers.

The last one is plant propagation and sharing within the community. Propagating plants from cuttings or seeds saves money and reduces the need to buy new plants, which can have a significant carbon footprint. Sharing plants with friends and neighbors is also a great way to build community and reduce waste. 

Your home is a reflection of your personal style and values. By creating a mindful home, you can embrace the tranquility and well-being of a space that supports your overall health and happiness. After reading this blog, we hope you can create a space that reflects your mindful living journey. If you want to read more about mindfulness, visit here.