7 Ways To Achieve A Cozy Rustic Living Room


Following the Rustic Style, you may know the most characteristic about it is how nature can be combined perfectly in the modern life of humans. Since it’s rusted, things should be organic, but how to arrange the texture to make it the coziest for your rustic living room? Read more Artera Home suggestions to find out!

1. Rustic wood beams 

To embrace the original warm color of the wood, the rustic home favors the roof with exposed wood beams. The wood here is not treated too much but will be kept intact. The wooden beams and slats are intentionally exposed to preserve the unspoiled beauty. It;s helping to maintain the rustic charm of the entire house with a rustic living room.

exposed wooden beams in living room

Combination rustic wood beam with rustic living room ideas (Image source: Unsplash)

2. Earthy tone color palette

The rustic living room’s color palette will lean towards neutral colors like white, gray, or beige. These colors will blend with the bold color of the wood to create a harmonious symmetry.

Natural tones like wood, stone, or earth tones also work well to create a cozy living room. Consider adding vivid colors, so the living room is not dull but more lively. For example: red, green or blue.

brown and grey furniture

The rustic living room's color palette (Image source: Pexels) 

3. Raw stone fireplaces

A raw stone fireplace, which extends from the floor to the exposed beam, gives the room the perfect focal point. Once fall and winter come, this fireplace will be the passionate heart of the house, bringing warmth to everyone. 

We highly recommend the use of stone, both ensuring its sturdiness and getting a rustic feel from nature.

raw stone fireplace

A raw stone fireplace bring a rustic feel to the room (Image source: Pexels)

4. Real stone wall

A new trend in interior style is stone wall cladding as an accent. The stone veins bring a sense of authenticity and a little "wild" to the room. The way rough rocks are arranged out of order seems like a natural cliff in the house. 

For a rustic living room, you might like to know that natural stones with veins such as granite and marble work the best.

real stone wall

Real stone wall are a new trend in interior style for rustic living room (Image source: Pexels)

5. Natural basket

Why should they be on the considered list?

That’s because natural fibers such as seagrass or water hyacinth blend well with wood, brick, or stone. Next to the rustic living room wall or wood fireplace, place a few baskets made of water hyacinth to give you a place for storage as well as add texture to your living room.

You can clearly see that the warm tone of natural fiber can balance the room temperature with the neutral tone.

water hyacinth basket beside an armchair 

Shop the look
water hyacinth basket

6. Textured wall decoration

Another way to add some rusted chains to your rustic living room is some textured wall decor, they maintain the fulfillment of the room and leave no numbness in the room. Some recommendations are seagrass hand-woven wall baskets, old paintings, and a vintage furniture collection.

collage of mirror and photos on wall

Create wall decorations for a rustic living room (Image source: Unsplash)

7. Vintage book collection

A collection of vintage books is not only a fantastic way to showcase a passion for reading but also an essential element for a modern rustic living room, adding a focal point to your living space. Moreover, it serves as an elegant method to display your extensive book collection, bringing a sense of vintage charm and historical allure.

vintage book collection

A collection of antique books add a vintage and charming feel to a rustic living room (Image souce: Unsplash) 


Rustic’s charm is the perfect finishing touch for a warm living room. You don’t need to bring all the oldest furniture to achieve a rusty feeling. Start with the basics - earthy tone, natural materials, and mixing textures.

Grab Artera Home's rustic living room top suggestions here.